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Weight | 5.0 lbs |
Chemical and Biological Laboratory Apparatus Catalog Central Scientific Co 1927
A nice scientific catalog with clear prices on instruments and chemicals. This catalog has everything a scientific lab could need for the time. It also comes with two loose paper blank order forms.
Catalog C No. 227
For Chemical, industrial, metallurgical, bacteriological, biological, board of health, clinical, hospital and commercial testing laboratories.
Pages: 779
Binding: Hardback
Illustrations: Mainly black/white with some color
Dimensions: 11” by 8”
Publisher: Central Scientific Company Chicago U.S.A.
Condition (8/10) Good Overall. Outside cover has some minor discoloration and the cloth on the binding shows signs of wear on edges. The binding is strong and the pages are in great shape. Some light discoloration the edges of pages. The order forms are in good condition with light staining and have no marks but have been folded.
Weight | 5.0 lbs |